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Special Education Preschool Classes
Building Blocks Developmental Preschool is a New York State approved provider of special education preschool services, serving Suffolk County for over 35 years. We boast a staff of professionals and administrators who have many years of experience in early childhood special education. Building Blocks offers the following special education classes:
Half-day classes - These classes are comprised of 12 children taught by one teacher who is aided by two assistants. Half day programs run in the morning and afternoon sessions.
Full day classes - Full day classes extend for five hours. There are two options for full day programs:
- 12:1:2 Ratio - these classes have 12 children taught by one teacher who is aided by two assistants
- 8:1:2 Ratio - this class has 8 children taught by one teacher who is aided by two assistants

All of our special education classes follow NYS Learning Standards for preschool special education. The preschool curriculum encompasses pre-literacy activities, language development, math concepts, fine and gross motor activities and peer socialization while incorporating each child’s specific educational plan. Individual goals are targeted through a multi-model approach to encourage success.
The small, structured environment allows for individual attention to be given to those children who learn best in smaller groups. Enhancements such as TEACCH Methodology, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), PROMPT Therapy and Applied Behavior Analysis supplement our preschool curriculum, which also includes our Frog Street literacy program and Handwriting Without Tears pre-writing program. In addition, mandated related services, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and play therapy are provided by certified and licensed professionals.

All the children who attend preschool special education classes participate in weekly gym classes which allow for acquisition of new skills and practice of attained skills. Music class, provided weekly, exposes the children to concepts of rhythm and melody. Incorporated into this specialized learning environment are many events that are designed to motivate and make learning fun. Just a few of these highlights include:
Field Trips - Children experience hands on learning by such trips as visits to local farms.
Children’s Art Show - showcasing our children’s interpretation of a chosen artist, trying and learning different art techniques as they enhance their fine motor skills.
Spring Science Fair - a display by each class of a developmentally appropriate science experiment conducted by the children and designed to foster language skills and predicting/relating events
Weekly Summer Specials at the school include a jungle safari, a pirate treasure hunt, make your own ice cream sundaes, a day at the beach, and a family carnival. All of these activities enhance language and literacy skills, peer socialization, and fine and gross motor skill acquisition.
It is our goal here at Building Blocks to provide an age-appropriate learning environment which focuses on each child’s strengths. Building Blocks incorporates early childhood and pre-kindergarten readiness skills while addressing specific individual needs.
Building Blocks Developmental Preschool is a non-profit agency with NYSED approval. Our Special Education Program is funded and regulated by New York State Department of Education and Suffolk County Department of Health
For More Information on New York State Special Education Services & Regulation:-